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SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台


In Person


课程教学使用视频会议工具, which connects the instructor of a course section with students in one or more specific locations on a specific date and time. 每个相关的课程部分将列出学生将参加的地点.




Course content is delivered virtually/online on specific days and times 在教练的指导下.


Course content is delivered virtually/online with some work required to be accessed on specific days and times, 在教练的指导下.


Course content is delivered at a specific location on a specific day and time (as with in-person classes), 部分课程也是通过虚拟/在线方式完成的.


将在线和现场教学同时结合到一个课程部分. Students are able to participate in class in different ways: as a synchronous distance learner (via real-time, video-streaming); as an asynchronous distance learner (accessing materials, recorded lectures, and responding at a later time); as an in person learner (physically present in the classroom); or as a flexible learner (with a degree of choice as to how they participate each week; sometimes in person, 有时通过流媒体课程, etc.).



In person instruction for this course is delivered on the Batavia Campus in an assigned classroom, 实验室或演讲厅.


In person instruction for this course is delivered at one of the regional campus centers in an assigned classroom or lab.


本课程的教学完全在网上进行. Students may complete the coursework at any location where they have access to all necessary technology. 在线课程可以使用Synchronous提供, Asynchronous, 或部分同步交付方法.

Students should review Brightspace and the course syllabus for specific technology requirements. (可能需要监考.)


The delivery location has changed: Instruction for this course would ordinarily be delivered in an “In Person” format at the Batavia Campus or a Campus Center; however, this term, 它将以一种指定的在线交付方式虚拟地交付:同步, 异步或部分同步. Many remote courses will replace in person learning with video conferencing requirements such as “Zoom”.

Students should review Brightspace and the course syllabus for specific technology requirements. (可能需要监考.)


What is HyFlex?

A HyFlex course is a course that allows each individual student to choose whether they attend class in person in the classroom, 通过网络会议进入现场教室, 或者在他们自己的时间上网.

例如,学生可以选择参加每节课的方式, 去教室参加第一次班会, 通过视频会议在家参加第二次班会, 利用自己的时间在网上准备第三堂课的材料.


  • 学生可以自由选择适合自己喜好和时间安排的授课方式.
  • 学生不需要亲自参加任何课堂会议.
  • 所有作业都将在网上提供.


  • Read the entire syllabus and know the policies for each class in which you are enrolled – pay attention to deadlines and due dates!
  • 如果你选择在课堂上进行视频会议, 确保你的电脑设置已经准备好了——网络摄像头, microphone, 高速互联网.
  • 查看课程日历, Announcements, 定期(每周至少2-3次)使用Brightspace的信息(电子邮件)系统.
  • 如果不参加现场授课(无论是现场授课还是在线授课),保持课堂录音的最新状态。.
  • 跟上所有课程作业、测验和考试的进度.
  • 如果你的课程使用监考,确保你在学期早期就计划好了.
  • 提出问题并与老师沟通.
  • Remember that the greater degree of online learning you choose means that you also assume greater responsibility for your own learning outcomes. Complete the online Readiness Assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for a technology-based educational delivery system.
  • Questions? Email:



  • 面对面/校园/面对面: 学生在特定的日子和时间在校园里面对面会面.  您可以通过视频会议在其他校园参加,而不是在发起校园(如.e.,指导员在哪里).
  • Online:  学生在他们个人选择的地点、日期和时间在线参与.
  • 在线(在预定时间): 该课程完全在线授课 but must be accessed virtually on specific days and times 在教练的指导下.
  • 在线(需要一些预定时间):  该课程完全在线授课, 学生需要在特定的日期和时间完成一些作业, 在教练的指导下.
  • Hybrid: The course is taught at a specific location on a specific day and time (as with in-person classes), 但部分课程也是在线完成的.
  • HyFlex: 学生可以选择, 以每天为基础, 亲自或在线参与,或通过在线和面对面的结合参与.  Students may also complete all or part of the in-person component of the course using “zoom” or similar technology from any location. 这个选项为学生提供了最大的灵活性.


Some degree programs offer one or more courses in multiple instructional methods while other programs offer a single instructional methods.  这些项目可能会计划在未来多样化他们的教学方法.  更多信息请咨询您的导师或项目主管.


The specific processes and experiences of an in-person course versus an online course certainly will vary in some aspects.  For instance, you may participate in discussions but classmates and the instructor will not be in the same space as you, 哪一个改变了动态.  虽然某些方面在不同的模式下会有所不同, all participants will be expected to achieve the same Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) associated with the course.


每个学位课程都对其提供的课程和教学方法负责.  请直接向您的项目主任提问.


Perhaps.  如果你的学位课程提供多种教学方法的一门或多门课程, then you may select the course instructional methods you wish to complete the course and your program.  请直接向您的项目主任提问.


有些课程在一个校区举办,并通过视频会议连接到一个或多个校区.  从这个意义上说,你可以从参与的校园远程加入课程.  However, you may not be able to join the course remotely from your own location; check with your instructor.

May I attend an online asynchronous or an online synchronous course at a location of my choosing?

Yes.  您可以在任何有互联网接入的地方自由参加在线课程, 包括海湾合作委员会校园, home, coffee shop.  For online synchronous courses, you should find a location free from excessive background noises.


如今的大学生正在寻求灵活的方式, when, 以及他们攻读大学学位的地方.  而许多人走的是更传统的道路, 亲自参加校园课程, 其他人则寻求远程参与的便利.  Some want to join a course session “live” while others want to engage in pre-recorded content at a time that best meets their unique schedule.

In short, GCC is offering different instructional methods/formats because that is what our students want.

我需要参加的课程有多种教学方法/格式, 但我不确定哪一种最适合我.  有人能帮我决定吗?

The first person you should look to is yourself:  What is your honest self-assessment about your learning needs, preferences, and strengths?  你是否想要或需要一个固定的日期、时间和/或地点?  如果是,面对面或在线同步是你的教学方法.  您想要远程参与的灵活性吗, like your home, job, or local library?  如果是,请选择同步在线或异步在线.  你想要最大的灵活性来选择你参加的地点和方式吗?  如果是,HyFlex是您的选择.

提前联系您的GCC成功教练和项目总监, and if possible, the instructor, 讨论具体课程的模式选择和经验.

Depending on the specific nature of the question, reach out to the instructor or a course colleague.  在学期开始的时候和“课程伙伴”联系是一个好主意, 所以你们可以在需要的时候互相帮助.
Online and HyFlex courses should each have a “Student Lounge” discussion forum for students to ask course questions.


如果您对您的课程有技术问题或问题, 首先在Brightspace中查看课程的支持部分. If you cannot resolve your problem through the support resources in the course reach out to your instructor.


  • 一台运行Windows 10或Windows 11的台式机或笔记本电脑, MAC运行OS 12 Monterey或更新版本,内存至少8GB.  您应该具有该设备的管理员权限, 哪一个允许你添加, modify, 或删除内容和更改设置.  符合这些规格的平板电脑是可以接受的.  不建议使用chromebook和智能手机,因为它们缺乏某些必要的功能.
  • 大多数笔记本电脑内置的网络摄像头和/或麦克风.  咨询一下你的老师,因为有些老师可能只需要麦克风而不需要摄像头.
  • 电脑扬声器和/或耳机(有线或无线).
  • Firefox or Chrome web browsers are most compatible with the GCC online Learning Management System (i.e., Brightspace LMS)以及教师使用的其他内容和资源.  使用最新的版本.  您可能需要添加Chrome扩展的一些在线功能的工作.
  • Students participating in live online video conferences may need to download and activate free software, 与讲师使用的平台相关联.g.当他们登录到视频会议时.
  • 许多GCC课程使用Brightspace在线LMS来管理课程的各种功能.  Additionally, 一些教师使用第三方产品和/或链接到Brightspace以外的内容, 这可能为您提供其他硬件和/或软件要求.  Seek clarification from your instructor about all third party products and/or outside content and how to receive user support, 包括技术支持.
  • 可靠的互联网接入,无线或有线.  警惕开放的无线网络, 这可能会允许未知和不受欢迎的人访问您的计算机.
  • 除非你的导师特别注明,否则文件(如.g.(报告)应该在里面 .doc or .rtf format.
  • A private and quiet environment to minimize background noises being transmitted/heard by others and to aid you in focusing on the course session. [因为他们正在观看预先录制的内容。, 在线异步参与者可能会选择不那么严格的环境.]